Four Paws Music, home of James M. Fitzwilliam
Pianist, Organist, Church Musician, Composer
"The solo piano accompaniment by barefoot wonder... James Fitzwilliam was perfect for the intimacy of the venue."
Robert Lachman, Taconic Weekend
"Technical mastery... as soloist [and] accompanist. Flawless rendition...a tour-de-force."
James F. Cotter, Times Herald-Record (Middletown, NY)
"James Fitzwilliam's inconspicuous, articulate ride of the keyboard uplifted every number."
Kitty Montgomery, Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)
Welcome to my new site featuring my various musical activities, including news and announcements of upcoming appearances, audio clips, and scores of my pieces available for purchase.
Quick Starts
Bard Chorus Members! click here
If you need - an accompanist or voice/interpretation coach for a vocal or instrumental recital
- light classical and Broadway piano entertainment for a party or luncheon
- an organist for your wedding
or wish to commission a new choral or chamber work, please email me at info @ |
- Danielle Woerner's new CD Voices of the Valley featuring my song cycle Eternity and my playing on several numbers is finally due for release on Novermber 1, 2006 from Albany Records! Watch for release events and purchase info as the date approaches!
- Center Stage Productions is presenting Grease at the Center in Rhinebeck weekends Fri-Sun from September 8 thru 22, 2006, with yours truly music directing. Call (845) 876-3080 for times and reservations. More of my news and dates.
- To download sample copies or purchase scores of my choral music and art songs, please visit my music store page.
Last modified September 9, 2006.
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